1. 카테고리 정렬하기

<aside> 💡 그리드를 활용하여 특정 버튼을 누르면, 지정된 위치로 이동 시킨다.




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/* 그리드 적용 */
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.cate-music .cate-name { background: crimson; }
.cate-game .cate-name { background: limegreen; }
.cate-food .cate-name { background: salmon; }
.cate-tech .cate-name { background: steelblue; }
.cate-sect-cont {
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.cate-sect-title {
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input[name='sort-control'] {
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:checked + .sort-label {
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/* js없이 정렬을 구현 
라디오가 체크되었을 때 해당 위치에 배치 되도록한다. */
#radio-sort-category:checked ~ .cate-music {
	grid-row: 3/4;
#radio-sort-category:checked ~ .cate-food {
	grid-row: 4/5;
#radio-sort-category:checked ~ .cate-game {
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#radio-sort-category:checked ~ .cate-tech {
	grid-row: 6/7;

2. 3D 보드 게임판



@keyframes starting {
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          transform: rotateX(60deg) rotateZ(240deg);
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				/* vmin: 브라우저 폭이든 너비든 더 작은 수치를 잡는다. */
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      .tile input:checked + label:before {
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        grid-row: 1;
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        grid-column: 6;
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      .tile:nth-child(9) {
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        grid-row: 5;
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        grid-row: 6;
        grid-column: 6;
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      .tile:nth-child(13) {
        grid-row: 6;
        grid-column: 4;
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        grid-row: 6;
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      .tile:nth-child(15) {
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        grid-row: 6;
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        transform: rotate(90deg);
      .tile:nth-child(18) {
        grid-row: 4;
        transform: rotate(90deg);
      .tile:nth-child(19) {
        grid-row: 3;
        transform: rotate(90deg);
      .tile:nth-child(20) {
        grid-row: 2;
        transform: rotate(90deg);

      .tile:nth-child(1) label,
      .tile:nth-child(6) label,
      .tile:nth-child(11) label,
      .tile:nth-child(16) label {
        border-radius: 50%;

3. 그리드 디자인을 코드로 구현하기

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        /* 고정크기 + 가변크기는 최솟값을 가진 가변크기이다. */
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/* 세로모드 */
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